There is a lively drama department here at Harris Clapham Sixth Form which offers all students, regardless of whether they are studying it at A-Level or not, opportunities to perform or to participate in theatrical design activities. In addition, there are theatre trips and writing for performance workshops.
In A-Level Drama classes, we read, study, perform and write about plays. We explore theatre practitioners such as Bertolt Brecht and Punchdrunk, a theatre company who specialise in providing audiences with immersive experiences which are sometimes magical, often mysterious, and always intriguing. The students even devise their own Brechtian and Punchdrunk style pieces, which are invariably inventive and engaging. In addition, they get to devise their own work and perform monologues and group pieces for an audience.
At times in the year, there are a lot of lines to learn and no end of things to try to remember but drama here is also lots of fun too!
I’ve enjoyed the texts we’ve studied… Drama gives me the opportunity to express myself
Drama has been really enriching because we've been able to go on trips to see plays, which helps us gain insight into our practical word