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Mr Lloyd our Vice Principal delivered an assembly today titled ‘Rabbit Holes’. In this assembly he highlighted the benefit of being a life long learner because learning is truly amazing! 🤩


What makes the Harris Federation such a great place to teach and lead? In the video below, Dan MacPherson at Harris Science Academy East London shares what sets us apart and why you should join us on 8 February at our recruitment fair. Register today:


We had a great afternoon yesterday at Kingston University speaking to lots of aspiring teachers and sharing insights into why our academies are such fantastic places to work. Find out more about being a Harris ECT:


Year 12 and Year 13 drama students enjoyed a trip to the theatre to see a version of Alice in Wonderland, set in Brixton. It was a fun evening, enjoyed by all!


A book review by Samirah J (Year 13) “One of the most enjoyable parts of the book is Tia Williams's witty and sharp writing style. She brings a lot of humour and heart to the story, making it both entertaining and emotionally engaging.”


A Psychology Career Talk review by Syeda W (Year 12) “On December 13th and 18th, we had the opportunity to hear from speakers at who gave us a fascinating look into the world of psychology. The sessions gave us some great tips for applying to medical school.”


A book review by Samirah J (Year 13) “One of the most enjoyable parts of the book is Tia Williams's witty and sharp writing style. She brings a lot of humour and heart to the story, making it both entertaining and emotionally engaging.”


We had an inter-house competition organised by our Head of Houses and House Captains. It was a celebration of teamwork that highlights what makes our house system unique. Well done to all who attended. Special well done to Franklin House students for securing first place! 🏆



Happy New Year Everyone! At Harris Clapham Sixth Form, we have begun the new year sharing the fantastic news that we have been graded OUTSTANDING by Ofsted. We are proud to be We are proud to be a part of


Harris Clapham Sixth Formers are amazing: Students’ behaviour is impeccable. Students attend well, work hard in lessons and are polite in their interactions with peers, staff and other adults.


We liked this: Leaders have a clear vision for the curriculum they offer which is designed to help young people from areas of deprivation to gain the skills, character qualities and qualifications that they need to succeed in adult life.


We're delighted to be able to say that, following the Ofsted visit last term, Harris Clapham Sixth Form is OFFICIALLY Outstanding (sixth forms still get a one work judgment)


At Harris Clapham Sixth Form we are rooted in multicultural London and in the local community of Brixton. In assembly this week spoke about the importance of being a story-telling community.


You seem nice.


At Harris Clapham Sixth Form we are rooted in multicultural London and in the local community of Brixton. In assembly this week spoke about the importance of being a story-telling community.


What a fantastic night at our Raising Achievement Evening! A huge success with an array of providers. So proud of our students for engaging with future opportunities! Thank you to and more!


Thank you to for speaking to our Year 11s about their futures. Informative presentation on what they offer and some amazing extra curricular and university/careers support

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















PRSHE, Assemblies and Tutorials

All of our work is focused on developing the Clapham Character that our students further develop as they join us. This includes a strong focus on developing leadership knowledge and skills, balanced with further learning on staying safe.

Personal, Relationships, Sex and Health Education (PRSHE)

As part of a student’s weekly timetable, they have two tutor sessions with their form tutor. During these sessions, tutors deliver PRSHE. Students learn in an age-appropriate way, how to keep themselves safe, physically, mentally and emotionally. Some of the content that students learn links to the ‘contextual’ risks that students face living in and around London. These include:

  • child criminal exploitation, including county lines
  • serious youth violence, including knife crime
  • child sexual exploitation, including that of boys
  • protection from radicalisation, extremism and terrorism

Students hear from a variety of agencies, including the police, about staying safe. Our PRSHE programme recognises that students are 16 to 19 years old. Other content will include the world of finance, personal budgeting and careers/UCAS (please see the tab with more details on UCAS).

Our programme therefore focuses on building from what students would have learned in secondary school, extending their knowledge and developing a deeper understanding as they prepare for employment, independence and their highly successful lives ahead.

We have a clear and cohesive strategy to ensure that academy has a culture of openess and mutual respect, a place where everyone is free from sexual harassment and/or sexual violence.

Please see our PRSHE policy in Teaching and Learning.


Assemblies tend to take place weekly. There may be whole academy assemblies or faculty assemblies led by a senior leader. A full assemblies programme is created for the year. The assemblies complement the PRSHE curriculum so everything flows together. Assemblies are one of the times when guest speakers come in to speak to students. This could be the Lambeth nursing team for example. Please see our Assemblies and Collective Worship policy in Teaching and Learning.

To read Mr Handscombe's recent assemblies at both Harris Clapham and Harris Westminster Sixth Forms click here


The tutor will be the first port of call for a student. There will be roughly 20 students in a tutor group. Every tutor will get to know their tutees really well. As well as delivering PRSHE, tutors support students by celebrating their successes and helping them manage the challenges of sixth form studies. Tutors will also liaise with parents and carers during the academic year.

