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Last Friday, we had a moving Year 13 Assembly followed by a fun student led Soirée. It was a lovely way for the community to come together and celebrate Year 13’s journey with us.


It’s a two assembly week, so as well as linguistically interesting advice for year 12s, we have a timely sporting analogy for Year 13:


This afternoon’s Year 12 assembly at introduced me to a new word and has left me pondering its plural. A mumpsimus is an error determinedly continued despite correction, but is it two mumpsimi, mumpsimuses, mumpsimodes?


Exciting to see our assemblies quoted in the news (not a lot of sixth forms can claim that):


Today, our Student President Ruweida and one of our Vice Presidents Sarah went over to to deliver some words of wisdom to the Year students about how to prepare for Year 11 next year.#community


This week students from the Clapham Cultural Society organised an Eid celebration for our school community. This included a session on Eid Al-Fitr, quizzes and games, henna designing and a bake sale. More than £100 was raised for charity!


A glimpse of Enrichment at Harris Clapham Sixth Form through photos 👇.Enrichment choices range from Tennis to Photography to Gardening: We believe that these experiences will empower students to thrive in various aspects of their personal, academic and professional lives.


Here’s our word of the week from Mr Lepretre, teacher of English


A book recommendation by Bushra (Y12). She described the book as “A thriller with a good plot that makes youquestion who to trust”


Lessons that you can learn from Jake and Elwood Blues, from Aretha Franklin, from Erasure, and from Barbie (part 1).


As part of House Morris Day, students took part in a scavenger hunt and a cupcake icing competition!


Three excellent goals to aim for.- Avoid procrastination- Remove distractionThose work for everyone, and then, particularly for Y13 and Y11 we have- Revise effectively.


Today our Vice Principal, Mr Lloyd gave an assembly on how to manage the stress that may come during exam season. Mr Lloyd provided strategies on how to avoid procrastination, remove distraction and revise effectively.


Dedicated to a drummer and fan of Fleetwood Mac.


Student leadership is really important to us at Harris Clapham Sixth Form and this week we announced our new Student Parliament President and our new Vice Presidents!


Happy Confidence Term from Harris Clapham Sixth Form! Yesterday our Executive Principal gave an assembly to our Year 12 students on the importance of being confident and taking opportunities in life.


Today our Head of School, Ms Heuston gave an assembly to our Year 13 students which highlighted the importance of removing distractions and remaining focused in order to achieve success.


Yesterday we had our first assembly of Confidence Term at Harris Clapham Sixth Form. A delight to be able to share two of my cultural favourites, a character deficiency, and to celebrate the new student President:


Eid Mubarak to all of our students and families who celebrate it (and to everyone else, actually - have a great Eid).


A strong reading recommendation from our Executive Principal (and a beautiful cover).

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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The Clapham Eagle

If you fly on the wings of the knowledge eagle, you will learn many things.

The largest eagle in the world is the white-tailed eagle with a wingspan (which is how we’re measuring “large”) of up to 220cm. They are large enough to hunt foxes as prey but are nowhere near large enough to carry a human being. The Clapham eagle (or knowledge eagle as it is sometimes known) is, fortunately, a much larger bEagleeast, large enough to lift us high above the city streets to where our ambitions can fly free. Eagles are known for their courage – white-tailed eagles have been seen to attempt to catch porpoises larger than themselves – for their commitment – with the white-tailed eagle being found all across Eurasia from the tundra of Siberia to the southern coast of the Caspian Sea and from Hokkaido in Japan to the west coast of Iceland – and for their confidence – the skill with which they pluck fish from moving water beneath them is breath-taking.


Our knowledge eagle is an inspiration, an admonishment, and a help in time of trouble.


Inspiration: The eagle soars high above us, free to go where it will, unfettered by the constraints that we find on the ground. We look to a future in which we will have choices about our lifestyle, choices about the work we do, choices in the way we want to shape the world.


Admonishment: The great beats of the eagle’s wings have lifted it off the ground into the sky: it may appear to soar effortlessly now, but we know the effort that has taken such a huge creature to get up there. So we are reminded to work hard: simple physics reminds us that you don’t get to fly without an investment of energy. We are also able to look up at the eagle and to reflect that there is always more space up there, always more to learn, always more knowledge to acquire.


Help: We don’t have to do all this ourselves – we can fly on the wings of the knowledge eagle: it is large enough to lift and carry us. The more we learn, the more our existing learning helps us learn more; the harder we work, the better we get at working, the more effective our time becomes. The Clapham eagle is there (in the form of staff and fellow students) to help us when things are hard, to listen, to advise, to support.