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At Harris Clapham Sixth Form we are rooted in multicultural London and in the local community of Brixton. In assembly this week spoke about the importance of being a story-telling community.


You seem nice.


At Harris Clapham Sixth Form we are rooted in multicultural London and in the local community of Brixton. In assembly this week spoke about the importance of being a story-telling community.


What a fantastic night at our Raising Achievement Evening! A huge success with an array of providers. So proud of our students for engaging with future opportunities! Thank you to and more!


Thank you to for speaking to our Year 11s about their futures. Informative presentation on what they offer and some amazing extra curricular and university/careers support


Year 13 assembly and Mr Handscombe repented of his last, male-dominated, effort and tried to string a sequence of women together. Ella Fitzgerald, Bonnie Greer, Joan of Arc, Lakhsmibai of Jhansi, Lupita Nyong'o all "seamlessly" segued.


It’s and our canteen is decked out in style, with different African and Caribbean inspired cuisines each day, building up to our big celebration on Friday 🇸🇴 🇯🇲 🇩🇴 🇬🇭🇳🇬 🇰🇪 🇸🇩 🇱🇨 🇲🇦 🇱🇾 🇪🇬 🇩🇿 🇸🇸 🇹🇹 What are other academies doing for ?


Today's Year 12 assembly was from and quoted from Akala in order to encourage a reflective, interesting and constructive half term:


Today's Year 13 assembly was on the difficulty of making choices and the importance of taking opportunities whilst they are here. There is a tide in the affairs of sixth-formers which, taken at the flood leads on to fortune...


It’s open season at HLAW! Our wonderful enthusiastic student guides are ready to give tours. We’re open every day this week and next; see the school in action. Book on the link below:


Assembly today for Year 12 was Mr Handscombe and a Shakira-inspired self-referential assembly called "Try Everything"


Last week we welcomed our three Harris apprentices who will be working across our head office departments and academies. 👋 Meet Eliza, Amy, and Andrew! We hope you have the best time with us.#HarrisFederation


Our students are on their way back from the Harris In Harmony rehearsals. 🎶🎹 We look forward to seeing them on the stage representing our academy!


Welcome everyone to a new academic year! Our academic year started off with assemblies. Ms Heuston our Head of School talked about the importance of bravery. Mr Handscombe our Executive Principal discussed how to navigate life challenges (through the art of juggling) 🤹.


Today's assembly for year 13 was from Mr Handscombe and illustrated his circus skills (as a metaphor for managing the challenges of the new year)


Today is day 2 of Harris Clapham Sixth Form enrolment for September 2024 - if you've just got your GCSEs and are looking for a challenging, supportive environment for your sixth form (particularly if you're in South London) then come and find us today between 10.30 and 3pm


Congratulations to all of our Year 11s on their outstanding GCSE results. We are very proud of them all.


Enrolment day at Harris Clapham and Westminster Sixth Forms, so good luck to offer-holders getting your GCSEs, we hope to see you later. On my way in I found a beautiful conker, which I’m taking to be a good omen.


I’ve just come out of the HCL6F rewards evening and, despite being rather hungry and definitely end-of-term sleepy, I am buzzing! Great guest star in Steve Leeson of but the highlight for me was Student President Ruweida’s vote of thanks - calm, clear, assured.


This was the induction assembly for prospective students joining Year 12 in September 2024 from our Executive Principal. Wise, striking, and occasionally rhyming words.

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Careers and Universities

Careers programme information:

Our Vice Principal, Mr Lloyd, is the sixth form’s careers leader. His email address is and you can contact him on the academy's telephone number 0204 542 4900. 

Careers planning starts before students enrol at sixth form and forms part of the admissions process. We also send weekly careers bulletins to all students.

  • Students will have one-to-one admissions interviews:  these cover career aims and suitable programmes of study.

A brief overview of our careers planning:

Year 12 - Autumn term

  1. In tutorial, students will have an introduction to leadership and the opportunity to take part in student parliament elections
  2. Students will be introduced to the Unifrog platform which will allow them to research different post 18 choices
  3. MVD (Medicine, Veterinary, Dentistry) Society begins for students who are interested in applying for Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry.

Year 12 - Spring Term

  1. Next Steps event in February gives all Year 12 students the opportunity to discuss their career plans as part of a one-to-one with their tutors. Notes of these discussions are recorded. Students in need of more expert guidance are referred for a one-to-one career’s appointment
  2. Next Steps Information Evenings are run for parents to explain the different routes available to students when they leave sixth form and the support the sixth from gives students
  3. Employer workshops are run with employers
  4. Oxbridge events are held to help the most able students decide if they would like to make an Oxbridge application
  5. In the tutorial programme students begin researching higher education courses and universities. Students also begin researching and planning for their summer work experience
  6. MVD society continues for students who are interested in applying for Medicine, Veterinary Science or Dentistry.

Year 12 - Summer Term

  1. Progression event gives students the help they need to make a start on their UCAS application or CV
  2. Students are also given advice from universities on writing personal statements and departments deliver sessions on progression routes in their subjects
  3. Students complete two weeks experience
  4. A further Oxbridge event is held to advise students on making a successful application.

Year 13 - Autumn Term

  1. UCAS mentoring: All Year 12 students going into Year 13 are provided with a UCAS mentor who supports students through the UCAS process as well as providing advice regarding post-18 work placements and apprenticeships
  2. Personal statement writing workshops are run by subject teachers and for those needing additional support with their UCAS application a 1 to 1 careers interview can be arranged
  3. In tutorial students reflect on their academic performance and work experience from Year 12 and set SMART targets for Year 13 and beyond.

Year 13 - Spring Term

  1. Students who have applied to UCAS are advised on how to reply to the offers they receive and what to do on results day
  2. Students interested in applying for apprenticeships are encouraged to attend a range of talks during National Apprenticeship Week and a trip to the National Apprenticeship Fair.

A universal offer that is always on the go includes:

  1. All students have access to a range of impartial, up-to-date careers information through the library including a Futures (next steps) display board
  2. A monthly careers bulletin will be sent to all students with university taster sessions, open days, internship programs and work experience opportunities
  3. All students will have access to Unifrog which has an entire Careers Library devoted to providing students with a wealth of information about the range of career pathways available.
  4. The whole curriculum: Subject leaders/teachers are encouraged to identify careers links within their subject area and contribute to the delivery through their schemes of work, lessons and trips
  5. Timetabled lessons: elements of subject lessons contribute towards key areas of careers education   
  6. Focused events: at strategic times throughout the year are targeted at relevant students e.g. activities during National Careers Week and National Apprenticeships Week, university taster days, trips and visits where a range of partners provide advice and guidance.

How we plan to measure impact:

An annual review of careers programme and is conducted by the Assistant Principal. This policy is reviewed and developed annually in discussion with students, parents, staff, governors and other relevant partners. The Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) strategy is audited against statutory guidance, evidence on good practice and other relevant frameworks and will be updated accordingly.

We also use student, parent and employer voice via surveys and dialogue to evaluate the success of our events/networking and information provision. We use these measures to build on our successes and to keep making our provision better.

The impact of the careers programme on students will be measured and evaluated using the evidence below:

  • Destinations data, evaluation forms, student surveys, focus groups and evidence of impact will all be used evaluate the effectiveness of current careers provision and inform further developments of our strategy.
  • During whole school MER, links to careers and departments in which CEIAG is an area of strength will be commented on during learning walks, lesson visits and curriculum reviews.

To access our CEIAG policy then please click here

Please see below our past careers events for the academic year 2023 - 2024:

Careers 23-24

Useful Links:
